Articles on: Analytics and reporting

Cancellation Analytics

This guide will help you understand how the cancellation analytics dashboard works and the actions the merchant is provided with.

What is it about?
Where do you find these settings?
Cancellation Statistics
High-risk subscriptions
Cancellation actions
Cancellation flows
Need help?

What is it about?

Cancellation Analytics provides valuable insights to merchants on their subscription cancellation rate. It also offers powerful cancellation workflows which can be configured to suggest alternative options to users when they try to cancel their subscriptions. It also enables the merchant to understand the reason why the subscription was cancelled.

Where do you find these settings?

The cancellation dashboard contains the following panes and you can find it at  Loop > Analytics > Cancellation

High-risk subscriptions
Cancellation actions

Cancellation Statistics

This dashboard allows you to check the cancellation behaviour, see how well your cancellation flows are working and the opportunities to look after. The dashboard provides the following detailed metrics to the merchant.

Active subscriptions with expired payments
Subscriptions paused for more than 3 billing cycles
Active subscriptions with the last 2 or more orders failed

Churn overview (Last 30 days)
Churn Rate
Revenue Lost
Subscribers Lost
Avg order before the cancellation

Subscription churn trend (last 6 months)
Lost Revenue
Overall Churn Rate

Cancellation overview (Last 30 days)

Cancellations trend (last 6 months)

Cancellation flows performance

Analyze the cancellation flows performance on the basis of cancellation reasons. You can change the filter as per your requirement.

Cancellations order-wise

Analyze the subscriptions cancelled on the basis of number of recurring orders completed.

High-risk subscriptions

This page shows you the subscriptions with a high risk of cancellation. You can export this report provided by Loop and formulate strategies to retain these subscriptions


This page allows you to see and analyse the reasons given by subscribers who want to cancel their subscriptions. This page provides valuable insights into why your subscribers are cancelling their subscriptions.

Cancellation Flows

Cancellation flows by loop retention engine empower merchants to reduce cancellations and increase the average number of successful orders placed per subscription.

Learn more about it here.

Need help?

If you have any queries or doubts about any of these steps. Please reach out to


Loop Subscription Team 🙂

Updated on: 06/08/2024

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