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Loop webhooks explained: A guide for developers

Webhooks are an essential part of modern API-driven applications, allowing systems to send real-time notifications when specific events occur. A webhook payload is the structured data sent from one application to another whenever an event is triggered.

This article provides an overview of webhooks, explores various webhook events triggered by Loop, and includes example payloads.

Contents of the article

What is a webhook payload?
Common data formats
How webhook payloads are delivered?
When are webhooks triggered?
Subscription topic with example payload
Order topic with example payload
Payment method topic with example payload
Flows topic with example payload
Subscription checkout topic with example payload
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Need help?

What is a webhook payload?

A webhook payload is the data sent in the body of an HTTP request when a webhook is triggered. It contains relevant details about the event, such as customer information, order status, or payment details. This payload is usually in JSON format, but it can also be XML or another structured data format.

Basic Structure of a Webhook Payload
A typical webhook payload includes the following components:

- Event Type: A unique identifier indicating the type of event (e.g., order.created, subscription.updated).
- Payload Data: The main data related to the event, such as user details, transaction amounts, or product information.
- Metadata: Additional contextual information, such as timestamps, request IDs, or authentication signatures.

Common data formats

Webhook payloads are primarily sent in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) due to its lightweight and widely supported nature. However, some systems may use:

- XML (Extensible Markup Language)
- Form-encoded data (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
- Plain text or custom formats

How Webhook Payloads are Delivered?

Webhook payloads are delivered via HTTP POST requests to a pre-configured URL. The receiving application must parse the payload and take appropriate action based on the event type.

When are webhooks triggered?

Webhooks are triggered by specific events occurring in a system. These events vary depending on the use case, such as orders being placed, subscriptions being updated, or payments failing. Each webhook event carries a payload—a structured data object that contains relevant information about the event. The payload structure is similar for each entity ( subscription, order, paymentMethod, flows, subscriptionCheckout)

Below, we categorize common webhook event types and provide example payloads for each.

Subscription topic

Following events are triggered for the topic subscription :

TopicTrigger explanation
subscription/createdThis event will be triggered when a subscription is created.
subscription/pausedThis event will be triggered when a subscription is paused.
subscription/updatedWhen a subscription is updated, this trigger covers everything that isn't specifically mentioned under a topic. For instance, it includes updates to contract notes, modifications to custom attributes, applied discounts on subscription, removed discount on subscription, shipping address updates etc.
subscription/cancelledThis event will be triggered when a subscription is cancelled.
subscription/resumedThis event will be triggered when a subscription is resumed.
subscription/reactivatedThis event will be triggered when a subscription is reactivated.
subscription/delayedThis event will be triggered when a subscription is delayed.
subscription/rescheduledThis event will be triggered when a subscription is rescheduled.
subscription/expiredThis event will be triggered when a subscription is expired.
subscription/inventoryActionThis event will be triggered when an inventory action has occurred on a subscription contract. For instance, When an inventory action such as partially billed, delayed or skipped has occurred on a subscription contract due to low inventory.

Example payload:

  "payload": {
    "id": 8888999,
    "note": null,
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "customer": {
      "email": "",
      "phone": "+44 7911 123456",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "firstName": "John",
      "shopifyId": 9876543210123
    "pausedAt": null,
    "createdAt": "2025-02-18T12:00:00.000Z",
    "discounts": [],
    "hasBundle": false,
    "isPrepaid": false,
    "lineItems": [
        "id": 29876543,
        "sku": "SHO12345",
        "name": "Shoe Cleaner - White / New",
        "price": "5.39",
        "taxable": true,
        "quantity": 1,
        "basePrice": "5.99",
        "shopifyId": "abc12345-6789-48d5-8e7a-af57a4f46e99",
        "attributes": [],
        "bundleName": null,
        "productTitle": "Shoe Cleaner",
        "variantImage": "",
        "variantTitle": "White / New",
        "pricingPolicy": {
          "basePrice": {
            "amount": "5.99",
            "currencyCode": "GBP"
          "cycleDiscounts": [
              "afterCycle": 0,
              "computedPrice": {
                "amount": "5.39",
                "currencyCode": "GBP"
              "adjustmentType": "PERCENTAGE",
              "adjustmentValue": {
                "percentage": 10
        "isOneTimeAdded": false,
        "discountedPrice": "5.39",
        "sellingPlanName": "6 Months",
        "isOneTimeRemoved": false,
        "productShopifyId": 7654321098765,
        "requiresShipping": true,
        "variantShopifyId": 9876543211234,
        "bundleTransactionId": null,
        "discountAllocations": [],
        "sellingPlanShopifyId": 123456789
    "shopifyId": 2233445566778,
    "cancelledAt": null,
    "currencyCode": "GBP",
    "billingPolicy": {
      "anchors": null,
      "interval": "MONTH",
      "maxCycles": null,
      "minCycles": 6,
      "intervalCount": 1
    "deliveryPrice": 0,
    "hasCustomPlan": false,
    "nextOrderDate": "2025-04-18T12:00:00.000Z",
    "shippingLines": {
      "code": "Standard Shipping",
      "title": "Standard Shipping (3-5 Business Days)"
    "deliveryPolicy": {
      "interval": "MONTH",
      "intervalCount": 1
    "willAutoResume": false,
    "shippingAddress": {
      "zip": "EC1A 1BB",
      "city": "London",
      "company": "John's Supplies",
      "address1": "10 Baker Street",
      "address2": "Suite 5B",
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "firstName": "John",
      "countryCode": "GB",
      "provinceCode": "ENG"
    "customAttributes": [],
    "cancellationReason": null,
    "nextOrderDateEpoch": 1745000000,
    "totalLineItemPrice": 5.39,
    "cancellationComment": null,
    "completedOrdersCount": 2,
    "originOrderShopifyId": 33445566778899,
    "totalLineItemDiscountedPrice": 5.39
  "metaData": {
    "myshopifyDomain": ""

Order topic

Following events are triggered for the order topic:

TriggerTrigger explanation
order/upcomingTriggered when an order is upcoming.
order/processedTriggered when an order is processed.
order/partiallyProcessedTriggered when an order is partially processed due to low inventory levels.
order/outOfStockTriggered when an order is out of stock.
order/skippedTriggered when an order is skipped.
order/unskippedTriggered when an order is un-skipped.
order/paymentFailedTriggered when an payment is failed for an order.

Example payload:

  "payload": {
    "id": 9876543,
    "note": null,
    "status": "FAILED",
    "customer": {
      "email": "",
      "phone": "+44 7890 123456",
      "lastName": "Johnson",
      "firstName": "Emma",
      "shopifyId": 9876543210987
    "lineItems": [
        "sku": "MEMB001",
        "name": "Exclusive Club Membership",
        "price": 15,
        "taxable": false,
        "quantity": 1,
        "shopifyId": null,
        "properties": null,
        "productTitle": "Exclusive Club Membership",
        "variantImage": "",
        "variantTitle": null,
        "productShopifyId": 9876543212345,
        "requiresShipping": false,
        "variantShopifyId": 8765432123456
    "shopifyId": null,
    "totalPrice": "15.00",
    "totalTaxes": "0.00",
    "scheduledAt": "2025-01-10T10:00:00.000Z",
    "currencyCode": "GBP",
    "subscription": {
      "id": 7654321,
      "note": null,
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "pausedAt": null,
      "createdAt": "2024-12-10T10:00:00.000Z",
      "discounts": [],
      "hasBundle": false,
      "isPrepaid": false,
      "lineItems": [
          "id": 54321678,
          "sku": "MEMB001",
          "name": "Exclusive Club Membership",
          "price": "15.00",
          "taxable": false,
          "quantity": 1,
          "basePrice": "15.00",
          "shopifyId": "xyz12345-6789-4321-bcde-abcdef123456",
          "attributes": [],
          "bundleName": null,
          "productTitle": "Exclusive Club Membership",
          "variantImage": "",
          "variantTitle": null,
          "pricingPolicy": {
            "basePrice": {
              "amount": "15.0",
              "currencyCode": "GBP"
            "cycleDiscounts": [
                "afterCycle": 0,
                "computedPrice": {
                  "amount": "0.0",
                  "currencyCode": "GBP"
                "adjustmentType": "PERCENTAGE",
                "adjustmentValue": {
                  "percentage": 100
                "afterCycle": 1,
                "computedPrice": {
                  "amount": "15.0",
                  "currencyCode": "GBP"
                "adjustmentType": "PERCENTAGE",
                "adjustmentValue": {
                  "percentage": 0
          "isOneTimeAdded": false,
          "discountedPrice": "15.00",
          "sellingPlanName": "£15/Month membership access to exclusive content and discounts.",
          "isOneTimeRemoved": false,
          "productShopifyId": 9876543211234,
          "requiresShipping": false,
          "variantShopifyId": 8765432123412,
          "bundleTransactionId": null,
          "discountAllocations": [],
          "sellingPlanShopifyId": 5678901234
      "shopifyId": 5678901234,
      "cancelledAt": null,
      "currencyCode": "GBP",
      "billingPolicy": {
        "anchors": null,
        "interval": "MONTH",
        "maxCycles": null,
        "minCycles": 3,
        "intervalCount": 1
      "deliveryPrice": 0,
      "hasCustomPlan": false,
      "nextOrderDate": "2025-02-10T10:00:00.000Z",
      "shippingLines": {
        "code": null,
        "title": null
      "deliveryPolicy": {
        "interval": "MONTH",
        "intervalCount": 1
      "willAutoResume": false,
      "shippingAddress": null,
      "customAttributes": [],
      "cancellationReason": null,
      "nextOrderDateEpoch": 1744500000,
      "totalLineItemPrice": 15,
      "cancellationComment": null,
      "completedOrdersCount": 2,
      "originOrderShopifyId": 2345678901234,
      "totalLineItemDiscountedPrice": 15
    "discountCodes": null,
    "shippingLines": null,
    "subtotalPrice": "15.00",
    "paymentAttempt": {
      "createdAt": "2025-01-09T09:30:00.000Z",
      "errorCode": "insufficient_funds",
      "shopifyId": 765432109876,
      "updatedAt": "2025-01-09T09:30:00.000Z",
      "retryDelay": "2",
      "errorMessage": "Insufficient funds in your account.",
      "idempotencyKey": "7654321-abc123",
      "retryLeftCount": 2,
      "retryAttemptCount": 1
    "shippingAddress": null,
    "chargeOffsetDays": null,
    "customAttributes": null,
    "skippedLineItems": [],
    "totalShippingPrice": "0.00",
    "totalDiscountAmount": "0.00",
    "totalLineItemsPrice": "15.00",
    "shippingPriceCurrencyCode": "GBP"
  "metaData": {
    "myshopifyDomain": ""

Payment method entity

Following events are triggered for the topic paymentMethod:

TriggerTrigger explanantion
paymentMethod/updateRequestedTriggered when a customer request's payment method update request from loop.
paymentMethod/updatedTriggered when customer's payment method is updated.
paymentMethod/expiringSoonTriggered when customer payment method is about to expire (3 days, 15 days, 30 days before payment method expiring)

Example payload:

  "payload": {
    "id": 4456789,
    "name": "John Doe",
    "type": "CustomerCreditCard",
    "brand": "mastercard",
    "customer": {
      "email": "",
      "phone": "+44 7890 123456",
      "lastName": "Doe",
      "firstName": "John",
      "shopifyId": 1234567890123
    "riskLevel": "low",
    "shopifyId": "a1b2c3d4e5f67890g123h456i789j0kl",
    "customerId": 98765432,
    "expiryYear": "27",
    "lastDigits": "6789",
    "expiryMonth": "09",
    "customerShopifyId": 987654321098765,
    "paypalAccountEmail": null
  "metaData": {
    "myshopifyDomain": ""

Flow entity

Following events are triggered for the topic flow:

TriggerTrigger explanantion
flow/completedTriggered when a flow is successfully completed

Example payload:

  "payload": {
    "id": 9876543,
    "name": "Loyalty Program Order - Free Hydrating Face Moisturizer",
    "subscription": {
      "id": 8765432,
      "note": null,
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "pausedAt": null,
      "createdAt": "2024-12-01T12:00:00.000Z",
      "discounts": [],
      "hasBundle": false,
      "isPrepaid": false,
      "lineItems": [
          "id": 56789012,
          "sku": "HFM12345",
          "name": "Hydrating Face Moisturizer - Trial Size",
          "price": "15.20",
          "taxable": true,
          "quantity": 1,
          "basePrice": "16.00",
          "shopifyId": "12345678-abcd-4d51-bc38-4940fa44abcd",
          "attributes": [
              "key": "_is_hidden",
              "value": "true"
              "key": "_type",
              "value": "subscription-program"
          "bundleName": null,
          "productTitle": "Hydrating Face Moisturizer",
          "variantImage": "",
          "variantTitle": "Trial Size",
          "pricingPolicy": {
            "basePrice": {
              "amount": "16.0",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "cycleDiscounts": [
                "afterCycle": 0,
                "computedPrice": {
                  "amount": "0.0",
                  "currencyCode": "USD"
                "adjustmentType": "PRICE",
                "adjustmentValue": {
                  "amount": "0.0",
                  "currencyCode": "USD"
                "afterCycle": 1,
                "computedPrice": {
                  "amount": "15.20",
                  "currencyCode": "USD"
                "adjustmentType": "PERCENTAGE",
                "adjustmentValue": {
                  "percentage": 5
          "isOneTimeAdded": false,
          "discountedPrice": "15.20",
          "sellingPlanName": "Full-size refill ships every 2 months.",
          "isOneTimeRemoved": false,
          "productShopifyId": 8765432109876,
          "requiresShipping": true,
          "variantShopifyId": 7654321098765,
          "bundleTransactionId": null,
          "discountAllocations": [],
          "sellingPlanShopifyId": 234567890
          "id": 12345678,
          "sku": "FWB98765",
          "name": "Face Wash Bar - Travel Size",
          "price": "0.00",
          "taxable": true,
          "quantity": 1,
          "basePrice": "12.00",
          "shopifyId": "abcd1234-efgh-5678-ijkl-9876543210mn",
          "attributes": [],
          "bundleName": null,
          "productTitle": "Face Wash Bar",
          "variantImage": "",
          "variantTitle": "Travel Size",
          "pricingPolicy": {
            "basePrice": {
              "amount": "12.0",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "cycleDiscounts": [
                "afterCycle": 0,
                "computedPrice": {
                  "amount": "0.0",
                  "currencyCode": "USD"
                "adjustmentType": "PERCENTAGE",
                "adjustmentValue": {
                  "percentage": 100
          "isOneTimeAdded": true,
          "discountedPrice": "0.00",
          "sellingPlanName": "One-time purchase",
          "isOneTimeRemoved": false,
          "productShopifyId": 6543210987654,
          "requiresShipping": true,
          "variantShopifyId": 5432109876543,
          "bundleTransactionId": null,
          "discountAllocations": [],
          "sellingPlanShopifyId": null
      "shopifyId": 3456789012345,
      "cancelledAt": null,
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "billingPolicy": {
        "anchors": null,
        "interval": "MONTH",
        "maxCycles": null,
        "minCycles": 2,
        "intervalCount": 1
      "deliveryPrice": 5,
      "hasCustomPlan": false,
      "nextOrderDate": "2025-03-10T12:00:00.000Z",
      "shippingLines": {
        "code": "Standard Shipping (3 - 5 Business Days)",
        "title": "Standard Shipping (3 - 5 Business Days)"
      "deliveryPolicy": {
        "interval": "MONTH",
        "intervalCount": 1
      "willAutoResume": false,
      "shippingAddress": {
        "zip": "10001",
        "city": "New York",
        "company": null,
        "address1": "123 Wellness Street",
        "address2": null,
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "firstName": "Emma",
        "countryCode": "US",
        "provinceCode": "NY"
      "customAttributes": [
          "key": "loyaltyProgramId",
          "value": "lp-987654321"
          "key": "deviceId",
          "value": "abcd-1234-efgh-5678-ijkl-9876"
      "cancellationReason": null,
      "nextOrderDateEpoch": 1742000000,
      "totalLineItemPrice": 15.20,
      "cancellationComment": null,
      "completedOrdersCount": 2,
      "originOrderShopifyId": 5678901234567,
      "totalLineItemDiscountedPrice": 15.20
  "metaData": {
    "myshopifyDomain": ""

Subscription checkout entity

Following events are triggered for the topic subscriptionCheckout :

TriggerTrigger explanation
subscriptionCheckout/successTriggered when a checkout order is placed successfully.
subscriptionCheckout/failedTriggered when a checkout order is failed.

Example payload:

  "payload": {
    "lines": [
        "type": "SUBSCRIPTION",
        "price": 19.99,
        "quantity": 2,
        "productTitle": "Third Grade Curriculum",
        "variantTitle": "Standard Edition",
        "variantShopifyId": 123456789012345
    "order": {
      "id": 987654,
      "note": "Mailing Address:\n First Name: John\n Last Name: Doe\n Address 1: 123 Main Street\n Address 2: Apt 4B\n City: New York\n State/Province: NY\n Country: US\n ZIP Code: 10001",
      "status": "SUCCESS",
      "lineItems": [
          "sku": "TG-CUR-001",
          "name": "Third Grade Curriculum",
          "price": 19.99,
          "taxable": true,
          "quantity": 2,
          "shopifyId": 112233445566,
          "properties": [],
          "productTitle": "Third Grade Curriculum",
          "variantImage": "",
          "variantTitle": "Standard Edition",
          "productShopifyId": 998877665544,
          "requiresShipping": true,
          "variantShopifyId": 123456789012345
      "shopifyId": 556677889900,
      "totalPrice": "43.98",
      "totalTaxes": "3.99",
      "scheduledAt": "2025-03-01T15:30:00.000Z",
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "discountCodes": [
          "code": "SPRING10",
          "amount": "2.00"
      "shippingLines": [
          "price": "5.00",
          "title": "Standard Shipping"
      "subtotalPrice": "39.98",
      "shippingAddress": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "address1": "123 Main Street",
        "address2": "Apt 4B",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "country": "US",
        "zipCode": "10001"
      "chargeOffsetDays": null,
      "customAttributes": [],
      "skippedLineItems": [],
      "totalShippingPrice": "5.00",
      "totalDiscountAmount": "2.00",
      "totalLineItemsPrice": "39.98",
      "shippingPriceCurrencyCode": "USD"
    "discounts": [
        "code": "SPRING10",
        "amount": "2.00"
    "subscription": {
      "id": 7890123,
      "note": "Mailing Address:\n First Name: John\n Last Name: Doe\n Address 1: 123 Main Street\n Address 2: Apt 4B\n City: New York\n State/Province: NY\n Country: US\n ZIP Code: 10001",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "pausedAt": null,
      "createdAt": "2025-02-15T12:00:00.000Z",
      "discounts": [],
      "hasBundle": false,
      "isPrepaid": false,
      "lineItems": [
          "id": 5678910,
          "sku": "TG-CUR-001",
          "name": "Third Grade Curriculum",
          "price": "19.99",
          "taxable": true,
          "quantity": 2,
          "basePrice": "19.99",
          "shopifyId": "a1b2c3d4-e5f6-7890-1122-334455667788",
          "attributes": [],
          "bundleName": null,
          "productTitle": "Third Grade Curriculum",
          "variantImage": "",
          "variantTitle": "Standard Edition",
          "pricingPolicy": {
            "basePrice": {
              "amount": "19.99",
              "currencyCode": "USD"
            "cycleDiscounts": [
                "afterCycle": 0,
                "computedPrice": {
                  "amount": "19.99",
                  "currencyCode": "USD"
                "adjustmentType": "FIXED_AMOUNT",
                "adjustmentValue": {
                  "amount": "0.00",
                  "currencyCode": "USD"
          "isOneTimeAdded": false,
          "discountedPrice": "19.99",
          "sellingPlanName": "Quarterly Plan",
          "isOneTimeRemoved": false,
          "productShopifyId": 998877665544,
          "requiresShipping": true,
          "variantShopifyId": 123456789012345,
          "bundleTransactionId": null,
          "discountAllocations": [],
          "sellingPlanShopifyId": 987654321
      "shopifyId": 6677889900,
      "cancelledAt": null,
      "currencyCode": "USD",
      "billingPolicy": {
        "anchors": null,
        "interval": "MONTH",
        "maxCycles": null,
        "minCycles": null,
        "intervalCount": 1
      "deliveryPrice": 5.00,
      "hasCustomPlan": false,
      "nextOrderDate": "2025-03-15T12:00:00.000Z",
      "shippingLines": {
        "code": "STANDARD",
        "title": "Standard Shipping"
      "deliveryPolicy": {
        "interval": "MONTH",
        "intervalCount": 1
      "willAutoResume": true,
      "shippingAddress": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Doe",
        "address1": "123 Main Street",
        "address2": "Apt 4B",
        "city": "New York",
        "state": "NY",
        "country": "US",
        "zipCode": "10001"
      "customAttributes": [],
      "cancellationReason": null,
      "nextOrderDateEpoch": 1741000000,
      "totalLineItemPrice": 39.98,
      "cancellationComment": null,
      "completedOrdersCount": 2,
      "originOrderShopifyId": 556677889900,
      "totalLineItemDiscountedPrice": 39.98
    "idempotencyKey": "6677889900-XyZ12"
  "metaData": {
    "myshopifyDomain": ""

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Ques. How to subscribe to a webhook?
Ans. You can subscribe to a webhook using the endpoint from admin api - subscribe webhook.

Need help?

There is no need to worry. We are here to assist you. Please contact us at or feel free to reach out to us through the chat by clicking on the support beacon located at the bottom right corner.


Loop Subscription Team 🙂

Updated on: 18/02/2025

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