Preset Fixed Bundles
What are Preset fixed bundles?
Preset fixed bundle is a specialized feature designed for merchants to sell a pre-selected set of items or variants. These bundles are fixed and cannot be changed once they are added to the shopping cart or after the purchase.
Key Features
One-Click Sale on Product Pages: Customers can purchase bundles with a single click through dedicated product pages (PDPs) just like a normal product .
Variant Flexibility: Customers have the option to swap between different variants within a bundle, such as changing the quantity in an "Egg basket" from 6 to 12 eggs.
Customizable Bundle Discounts: Merchants can set discounts at the cross-section of "Bundle Variant" and "Purchase Option"
Multiple purchase options: There are various purchase options available such as subscription only and subscription + one-time.
This article will walk you through everything you need to know about Preset fixed bundles and how to set it up.
Contents of the article
Before you start
Setting up preset bundle
Customer Experience
Merchant Experience
How do preset bundles work?
Bundle subscription management
Install the latest Loop snippet or update to the latest version on the choice of theme.
Add the Loop widget to the choice of theme.
Install the latest bundle snippet or update to the latest version on the choice of theme.
If you're has a custom setup, please contact us to activate the preset bundle.
Note: All the above changes must be done on the same theme.
Before you start
Create a Bundle product and different variants(if required) for the same product in shopify which will represent your bundle and keep the status as Draft.
In Loop, create a Selling plan that you want to target for the bundle
Note: Bundle discounting will be applied over and above the selling plan discounts.
Setting up Preset fixed Bundle
In Loop, go to Bundles > Create Bundle and select Preset fixed.

Select the Bundle product for the bundle by clicking the Choose product button in ‘Bundle Parent Product’ and select the Parent product created in Shopify which will represent the Bundle.

Select the payment option as ‘Subscription only’ or ‘Subscription + one-time’.

Note: Preset fixed bundles can not be sold as ‘One-time only’.
Click on ‘Link selling plans’ and select the selling plan.

The next step is to configure discounts for your Bundle.
The discounts offered can be of three types:
Fixed discount which offers a fixed monetary discount
Percentage discount which offers a percentage discount of the total bundle product value.
Fixed price which offers a fixed selling price to sell for One-time and Subscription.
You can either apply the same configuration for all the variants of the bundle product or apply different discounts for each bundle variant.
Additionally, you can select different discounts for One-time and subscription options.

Finally, you can add the different associated products to different variants of the Bundle product by clicking the Add items icon in the Products section. Additionally, you can also update the quantity for each of the child products that you’ve added.

Once you've configured all of the settings check the Summary to get an overview of the Bundle and set the Bundle status to Active. Click on Save at the bottom after that.

Once you’ve saved your bundle, you will be able to see the ‘Bundle page URL’. You’re ready to publish your bundle on your Shopify store. Happy selling!
NOTE : Loop Subscription users who have installed on or before 7th November 2023, will have to update their Loop widget and bundle snippet files to activate the Preset fixed offerings. Please practice caution while updating since it will replace old Loop widget and bundle files with new ones wiping away any custom code changes done in Loop files. Please contact if you have any doubts or are facing any issues.
Customer Experience
Product view page - Customers can purchase bundles with a single click through dedicated product pages (PDPs) just like a normal product
Cart experience - Bundles are presented as a single product in the shopping cart, providing a clear and consolidated view of the purchase.
Checkout experience - Customers can see the contents of the bundle at the payment page.
Customer Portal - The customer sees the bundle as a single product and the contents of the bundle.
Merchant Experience
Shopify order page - Loop Subscriptions only bill the associated bundle items at the required price in order to ensure hassle-free inventory management. No fake SKU is added.
Loop admin portal - In the Loop admin portal, merchants can see the bundle item as a subscription making it easier for them in the reconciliation
How do Preset bundles work?
In Loop, the Preset fixed bundle consists of a Bundle product and its associated products. The Bundle product can have multiple variants and different associated products for each variant. Additionally, you can set different discounts for each of the variants and for different purchase options too.
Bundle subscription management
You do not have to manage the inventory of the Bundle product. The associated product inventory is reduced as expected.
The Bundle product inventory should be set to at least 1 or set to ‘Inventory not tracked’ i.e. it should never be out of stock.
Whenever any associated product is out of stock, The bundle will be displayed as out of stock.
Things to be Noted
The associated products must be made live on shopify before publishing the bundle.
Do not make any changes to the Bundle product pricing.
Limitations (as per the latest release)
Preset bundles can't be swapped with other products. Customers can only remove the bundle product and add the required product through the upsell section.
However, customers will be able to switch between variants of that preset bundle.
Preset bundles are not available for any bulk action, quick action, checkout link, cancellation offer (free gift)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q) What will be the product placed during the order?
A) Only the SKUs for associated products will be sold.
Need Help?
No need to worry, Please feel free to reach out to or ping us on chat by clicking the support beacon on the bottom right.
Loop Subscriptions Team 🙂
Updated on: 19/11/2024
Thank you!