Articles on: Loop Features

Loop Flows

In this article you'll find-

What are Loop Flows
When Condition
What are (If) Conditions
What are Actions (Then)
Use cases of Loop Flows
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What are Loop Flows?

Loop Flows is a feature that allows merchants to set up automated actions that are performed based on certain triggers that are configured in Loop. With flows, you can set up automated product swaps at X orders, higher discounts at Y orders, gift products at Z orders, and even a combination of all of these and more to drive up your subscription and improve subscriber retention by gamifying subscriptions.

This guide walks you through the different configurations available on Loop flows and the use cases. Loop flows are built on the fundamental logic of When, If, and Then.

When Condition
What are (If) Conditions
What are Actions (Then)

When Condition

This condition specifies when the “IF condition” should be activated/executed and has four options.

A new subscription is created: In this case, the IF condition is executed whenever a subscription is created
A recurring order is successfully placed: In this case, the IF condition will be executed when a recurring subscription order is placed by Loop.
When products are modified in a subscription: In this case, the IF condition will be executed when a modification is made at the product level in a subscription.
When the order payment is failed: In this case, the IF condition will be executed when the payment for a subscription order gets failed.

What are (IF) conditions

If conditions in Loop are the same as in programming languages where the action is activated only if the condition that is preconfigured in the app is met.

Subscription-based: This allows you to select the condition on the subscription level.

Product-based: This allows you to choose the condition on the product level.

Customer-based: This enables you to check if a customer has a particular customer tag present or the total number of orders by a customer or the the total spend of a customer.

Bundle-based: This allows you to select the condition on the basis of the following as shown below:-

If set to use only Filter by number of orders - this would act as a universal trigger which will be executed when any subscription reaches order count X. This can be used to configure bonus/extra products to improve retention.

What are actions(THEN)

Actions are events that are set to execute when the trigger/IF condition is achieved. The actions that are set up on flows follow the same order of execution as how they are set up on the app.





Listed below are the configurable actions using Loop flows.

Use cases of Loop Flows

There are multiple ways that Flows can be configured to implement any action on a subscription to achieve your intended functionality. The guides to each are linked in the below table

Note that these use cases can be mixed and matched to achieve your specific use case, which might not be included in the standard use cases listed above

Use CasesSupport
Product swapping
Membership subscriptions
Trial subscriptions
Add/ Remove product one-time or subscription
Auto-apply discounts after X orders
Actions based on customer tags

Need help?

If you have any queries or doubts about any of these steps. Please reach out to


Loop Subscription Team 🙂

Updated on: 13/08/2024

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