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Payment Errors

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the common payment-related errors that can pop up with subscription orders and give you simple troubleshooting steps to get everything back on track.

Content of the article:

Payment errors table
Payment errors and troubleshooting steps
Best practices to reduce payment failure
Help section

Payment errors table

Loop places scheduled subscription orders on behalf of customers on Shopify, passing essential information, including the payment token. If the payment doesn’t go through for any reason, the order won’t be placed, and Shopify will return an error code on why the payment failed. We’ve categorised these error codes into the following categories to help you understand and troubleshoot any issues that arise.

Error Message CategoryLoop Default TextsDescription
card_declinedYour card was declinedThe payment was rejected by the bank or card issuer, typically due to insufficient funds or security issues.
insufficient_fundsYour card has insufficient fundsThe customer’s account does not have enough funds to complete the transaction.
card_expiredYour card has expiredThe card used for the payment has passed its expiration date.
agreement_cancelledYour billing agreement was canceled or revoked. Try using an alternative payment method.The subscription billing agreement was canceled or revoked by the customer or provider.
card_not_supportedYour card is not accepted for payment. Try using an alternative payment method.The payment method (e.g., card type) is not supported by the system or payment provider.
card_invalidYour card is invalidThe card details entered are incorrect or the card itself is not valid.
paypal_errorSome error occurred. Please update the payment details on your PayPal account.There’s an issue with PayPal’s processing or the customer’s PayPal account details need updating.
gateway_issueUnable to process the payment. Contact the support team for help.A technical issue occurred with the payment gateway or processing service.
payment_revokedPayment method was revoked. Try using an alternative payment method.The payment method was revoked by the payment processor, possibly due to fraud concerns or other reasons.
shoppay_not_enabledShop pay wallet is not enabled for payment. Try using an alternative payment method.The Shop Pay wallet option is not activated or available for use.
not_confirmed_paymentsPayment marked as failed due to non-confirmationThe payment failed because the customer did not confirm the payment details or authorization.

Payment errors and troubleshooting steps

Card Declined: When a payment is declined, Shopify returns various error messages based on the specific issue, such as fraud suspicion or account restrictions.

Error Messages: These include "Your card was declined," "Processor Declined - Fraud Suspected," "Account restricted," and others indicating issues like repeated attempts, security violations, or invalid transactions.

Troubleshooting Steps:
Verify Card Status: Encourage the customer to check their card’s status. It could be expired, blocked, or restricted.
Alternate Payment Method: You can send a payment update email from the subscription admin portal via loop.
Contact Card Issuer: If the error persists, ask the customer to contact their bank or card issuer for more details about the decline.

Insufficient Funds: This error occurs when the customer's card or account lacks the necessary funds for the transaction.

Error Messages: "Your card has insufficient funds" or "2001 Insufficient Funds."

Troubleshooting Steps:
Configure retry payment settings in payment recovery in the loop app settings.
Advise the customer to check their balance, try a different payment method, or retry once sufficient funds are available.

Card Expired: This error occurs when the customer’s card is no longer valid due to its expiration date passing.

Error Messages: "Your card has expired," "Field: api_errors Error: credit_card_is_expired," or "2004 Expired Card."

Troubleshooting Steps: Send payment update email to the customer via the loop subscription admin portal & ask them to add a new card.

Agreement Cancelled: This error happens when the billing agreement between the customer and the payment provider has been cancelled or disabled.

Error Messages: "Agreement was canceled," "billing_agreement_disabled."

Troubleshooting Steps: Verify the status of the billing agreement with the payment provider and encourage the customer to re-enable or renew the agreement by sending quick action URLs and incentivizing them in case they update the payment method.

Card Not Supported: This error occurs when the customer’s card type is not supported by the payment gateway.

Error Messages: "Your card does not support this type of purchase," "Credit card brand is not accepted for payment," "Your card is not supported. Please use a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or JCB card."

Troubleshooting Steps: Suggest the customer use an accepted card type and ensure the payment gateway supports their card type.

Card Invalid: This error indicates issues with the card details entered by the customer.

Error Messages: "credit_card_not_found," "Your card number is incorrect," "2007 No Account," "Your card's expiration month is invalid," "CVV should have been present."

Troubleshooting Steps: Ask the customer to verify card details, expiration date, and billing address. If the error persists, suggest they contact their bank or card issuer.

PayPal Error: This error occurs when there’s an issue with the payment method in the customer’s PayPal account.

Error Messages: "Instruct the customer to retry the transaction using an alternative payment method from the customer's PayPal wallet."

Troubleshooting Steps: Suggest the customer try an alternative payment method within PayPal or use a different payment method.

Gateway Issues: These errors happen when there’s a problem with the payment gateway configuration.

Error Messages: "Payment provider is not enabled on the shop," "Le fournisseur de services de paiement n'est pas configuré sur la boutique."

Troubleshooting Steps: Make sure the payment provider is properly set up on your Shopify store, and confirm with the provider if there are any temporary system outages or issues.

Payment Revoked: This error occurs when the customer’s payment method is revoked by the payment provider.

Error Messages: "Payment method was revoked."

Troubleshooting Steps: Suggest the customer provide an alternative payment method and check with the payment provider to understand why the method was revoked.

Shop Pay Not Enabled: This error occurs when the Shop Pay wallet is not enabled for payments on the store.

Error Messages: "Shop Pay wallet is not enabled for payment."

Troubleshooting Steps: Ensure Shop Pay is enabled in your Shopify payment settings, and if not, recommend the customer use a different payment method.

Not Confirmed Payments: This error happens when the payment fails due to non-confirmation from the customer.

Error Messages: "Payment marked as failed due to non-confirmation."

Troubleshooting Steps: Ask the customer to confirm the payment and authorization steps, and verify that the payment method is authorized for recurring payments.

Best practices to reduce payment failure

Use quick action URLs & run campaigns to update payment methods & incentivise the subscribers.

Use our smart payment recovery settings to retry failed payments. Get in touch with our support team in case of any confusion in configurations.

Need Help?

No need to fret; we’re here to jump in and help you out. Reach out to us at or feel free to ping us on chat by clicking the support beacon on the bottom right.


Loop Subscription Team 🙂

Updated on: 26/03/2025

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