Articles on: Subscription Management

Swap Subscription Product

Swapping a product in a subscription plan allows customers to easily change the product they receive without canceling their subscription. This feature is particularly useful when a customer wants to try a new product or has a change in preference. By swapping products, customers can maintain their subscriptions while also enjoying the flexibility to customize their orders according to their needs.

Swap a subscription product from the Customer Portal

Customers can swap a subscription product for themselves directly from the Loop customer portal.

To allow this, go to Loop > Customer Portal > Swap

Enable "Allow customers to swap their subscribed product(s)" under "Customer permissions".

Set up the discount settings for the swapped product.

Select the products which you want to make available to the customers to swap with the original product

You can also select the products that you do not want to provide for swapping under "excluded products"

This setting will override the setting of selected products, i.e., if a product is added to swap settings and excluded list, then it won't be provided for swapping.

Swap a subscription product from the Loop Admin Portal

There might be a requirement if a customer phones in and asks the merchant to swap a subscription product on their behalf. In such cases, the merchant can manually swap a subscription product on behalf of the customer from the Loop admin portal.

By heading over to Loop, you can search for the customer with “Subscription ID” by going to the Subscriptions tab.
Click on the pen icon in front of the product to be swapped.

In the next pop-up, click on change product and select from the list the product you want to swap with.

After changing the product, set up the discounts you want to provide on the swapped product and click on "Save".

Need help?

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Loop Subscription Team 🙂

Updated on: 04/07/2024

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