Articles on: Loop Features

Trial Subscriptions

With Loop Subscriptions, you get the most powerful subscription plan creator and toolkit, which will allow you to craft your Subscriptions to your liking. In this guide, we will be discussing in detail Trial Subscriptions and how you will be able to implement them yourself.

Content of the article

What are Trial Subscriptions
Trial Subscriptions using Dynamic Discounting
Trial Subscriptions using Loop Flows
Suggested Reads, Help section

What are trial subscriptions?

A trial Subscription means a Subscription offered to you on a temporary basis often at a reduced rate. A Trial Subscription will be offered for a limited period of time as defined when the trial is offered. For example, websites and apps usually provide a trial period of 30 days to test their product out, after which you will be required to bill to continue using the product further.

Loop subscription allows you to set up Trial Subscriptions on your store with ease. There are two methods to do this using Loop.

Using Dynamic Discounts
Using Loop Flows

Setting Up Trial Subscriptions with Dynamic Discounts

Using the discounts feature in Loop, you can configure the discounts in your selling plan so that the first cycle is given to the customer at a reduced rate. After which the pricing is increased or brought back up to the original price.

To configure this, first, go to Loop > Subscriptions > Selling Plans > Edit/Create a Selling Plan

Here we have configured the selling plan to give a 100% discount. After this, ensure that the “Change discount after a specific number of payments?” is checked

In this case, after the initial order, we have chosen to have no discount on the product. Thereby offering the product at the full price. Essentially, creating a Trial Subscription for a period of 30 Days using Custom Discounting. You can change these values to your liking to offer the type of trial you’d want to provide for your users.

Trail Subscriptions with Loop Flows


Create two of the same product. One is called a Trial product → Priced at $0 for this example and another normal product ( Yoga Classes for beginners ) is priced at $99 in this case.
Configure a selling plan and map the products to the selling plan with the same billing frequency.

Once this is done. You can start configuring Loop flows to offer trial subscriptions.

Note that Loop flows are part of the ENTERPRISE plan.

The flows feature works based on Triggers and Actions. First, set the trigger to " Subscription created". This will ensure that the actions get triggered whenever a New subscription is created. In the filters section click on “Add Filter”. This will allow you to choose a product. In our case, we will choose the "Trial product" that we have created in Shopify, The trial product is priced at $0.

Now we can start configuring Actions. Next is choosing the "**THEN"** condition. Choose the action “Add trial period”.

In this case, we are setting the trial days to 3 Days because we would like to give a 3-day trial to the customer.

After that, we need to click on the "**Add action"** and choose "swap product" and we need to swap the trial product with the variant product i.e. "Yoga classes" in our case as shown in the image below -

We have successfully enabled a 3-day trial period for this product.

Suggested reads

Here are a few articles that you may find helpful, and we suggest you go through the same 

Learn more about Loop flows
Learn about Subscription Models

Need help?

If you require any further assistance, our team is here to support you. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us at or initiate a chat by clicking the support beacon at the bottom right of your screen.

Thank you,
The Loop Subscriptions Team

Updated on: 25/08/2024

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