Subscription Models
This guide will walk you through some common types of Subscriptions with an example for each and details of the setup process on Loop. These are just some types of subscriptions you can set up and get started with on Loop. Standard Subscription Prepaid Subscription Gift Subscription Build a box Subscription Journey Trial Subscriptions (3-trial-suPopularConfigure Discounts
What are Discounts Discount hierarchy Different types of discounts Discounts on Loop Standard Discounts Tiered Discounts Free Shipping Discount Unique Subscription Journey Discounts Discounts on Shopify (3-discounts-Some readersStandard Subscription
In this article What is a Standard Subscription How do I set this up? What is a Standard Subscription These are the simplest and standard forms of subscriptions available. Your customer subscribes to your product and service and it gets delivered to them at frequent intervals say every 2 weeks or one month, and you get paid with the same frequency. Here’s an image illustrating how this works for a deeper undersFew readersMultiple Purchase Options
In this article What are multiple purchase options? How do I set this up? What are multiple purchase options? Multiple Purchase Options are when a customer is offered more than one purchase option for a particular product. Just like how multiple products can be mapped to a selling plan. The same product can be mapped to multiplFew readers