Configure Discounts
What are Discounts
Discount hierarchy
Different types of discounts
Discounts on Loop
Standard Discounts
Tiered Discounts
Free Shipping Discount
Unique Subscription Journey Discounts
Discounts on Shopify
Amount off Products
Amount off Orders
Free Shipping
Compatibility with other Discount Apps
Any reduction from the usual cost of a product can be called a discount. Let’s illustrate this with an example where Product A costs 100$ and is offered at a 10% discount. This directly translates to the final price which would come out to be 90$.
Product A - 100$ Discount - 10%
Total Price = 100$ - 10% of 100$ => 90$
There are several different ways of offering discounts on Shopify and Loop. This article will shine a light on all the different ways of configuring discounts in Shopify as well as on Loop
There is a certain hierarchy to discounts and how it applies to the product base price set on Shopify. You can consider the discounts configured in Loop as the base price of the product when purchased as a subscription. Any discount configured in Shopify that applies for Subscriptions will stack on top of the existing discount applied on the selling plan.

Based on the outcome you require there are different types of discounts that are available at your disposal. This table lists all the types and also its compatibility with Subscriptions as a whole.
Note: Automatic Discounts in Shopify do not apply for Subscriptions and hence are incompatible. Only discount codes are applicable for subscription purchases
There are different types of discounts that can be configured on Loop. This guide will help you understand the different types of discounts and how you can set up the same on Loop. Here are the different discount options available on Loop
Standard Discounts
Tiered Discounts
Free Shipping Discount
Unique Subscription Journey Discounts
There are different types of discounts that can be applied to a Standard Discount. A standard discount is a single discount that is applied on top of the products which are mapped to the selling plan
You can configure this discount by going to Loop App > Selling Plans.
Step 1: Choose the selling plan that you’d like to configure a discount for
Step 2: Under the Set order Schedule section you can find the discount type setting. Select the discount type that you want to apply to the selling plan.

Step 3: After setting the discount type and entering the required value. Please save the changes by clicking the green Save button on the top right.
Tiered discounts are when the discount changes after a set amount of orders
Step 1: Ensure that you have configured the normal discount type as mentioned in the above step
Step 2: Tick the checkbox titled “Change discount after specific number of payments?”

Step 3: Select from the dropdown after how many payments should the discount be changed.
Step 4: Choose the discount type that you’d like to apply for the tiered discount
Note: The Normal discount and the Tiered discount can be configured to have different discount types applied
Step 5: Enter the discount value that you’d like to apply here.
Step 6: Save your changes on this page and preview the flow on your store
Many customers prefer going for subscriptions because brands offer Free Shipping as an incentive to drive subscription adoption. You can configure Subscription specific shipping profiles to offer Free Shipping for certain selling plans. Here’s how you can do the same
Step 1: Head over to Loop App > Settings > Subscription specific shipping rates

Step 2: Create a Shipping Profile by clicking Create Shipping Profile

Step 3: Name your profile as “Free Shipping” & choose the selling plans that you want to map to this Shipping Profile.

Step 4: Add zones where you would be shipping your subscription products and set the Rate to 0 to enable Free Shipping for those zones.

Note that this discount once configured is automatically applied to products which are eligable and are mapped to the selling plans which are mapped to the Shipping Policy configured on Loop’s subscription specific shipping policy
This feature utilizes a feature called Loop Flows to enable unique subscription journeys. Using this feature you can set up your subscription to offer multiple tiered discounts - for example 10% after 3 orders, 20% after 6 orders and so on.
Note: Loop flows is a beta feature, hence please reach out to to enable this feature on your store.
This section will explain how you can set this up using Loop flows
Step 1: Reach out to the Loop team to have the feature enabled for your Store
Step 2: Once enabled, Create a flow by clicking on the Create Flow button

Step 3: In the Trigger Event dropdown choose Order processed
Step 4: Click on Add Filter. Here you have two options based on your requirement
Note: Currently only the second method is supported. The first method will be available in a future update
Step 5: After adding the filter, click on Add Action. Click on Add Product as Subscription. You can choose the discount logic for the product here
Step 6: Click on Add Action again and choose Remove a Subscription Product. This will remove the filtered product which was selected using the second method
Note: To have multiple tiers of discount based on order count, repeat Steps 2-6 with each step varying the order count and the discount % associated with the product
There are different types of discounts that can be configured on Shopify. These discounts stack up on top of the discounts which are offered by Loop. The only disadvantage of using this method is that the users have to manually enter the discount code during checkout or from the Loop Customer portal. Shopify provides us with these discount options which are compatible with Subscriptions
Amount off Products
Amount off Orders
Free Shipping
–> Learn more about Shopify Discounts
Note: Automatic Discounts are not auto applied on Subsctriptions and this is a limitation from Shopify’s end
This setting applies a discount on the Line item ie. Product. This is product specific and can be limited to specific products. This section explains how you can configure this discount type from Shopify’s discount section
Step 1: Head to Shopify Admin > Discounts > Create Discount
Step 2: Choose the Amount off products as the discount type
Step 3: Choose Method as Discount Code and enter a code of your choosing
Step 4: Select the required value type and fill in the checkbox.
Step 5: Ensure that the Subscription option or Both is checked. Else the discount will not be applied to subscription purchases
Step 6: Under the Applies to section, you can choose which products this specific code is applicable to
Step 7: Configure Minimum purchase requirements, Customer eligibility and Maximum discount use to your requirement.
Step 8: After making the changes click on the green save button to save your changes and create the discount code
The difference between this option and the previous option is - when configured this way the discount is applied to the whole order instead of the products and hence affects all line items in the order.
The steps for configuring this are the same as that of Amount off Products but with slight modifications
Step 1: Head to Shopify Admin > Discounts > Create Discount
Step 2: Choose Amount off orders as the discount type
Step 3: Choose Method as Discount Code and enter a code of your choosing
Step 4: Select the required value type and fill in the checkbox.
Step 5: Ensure that the Subscription option or Both is checked. Else the discount will not be applied to subscription purchases
Step 6: Configure Minimum purchase requirements, Customer eligibility and Maximum discount use to your requirement.
Step 7: After making the changes click on the green save button to save your changes and create the discount code
Shopify allows you to configure a Free Shipping Discount which does exactly what it says. You can configure this discount to affect either one-time purchases (or) subscriptions or both. But note that this is a discount code that your users have to enter manually while checking out on your store or from Loop’s customer portal.
The steps to configure this setting largely remain the same
Step 1: Head to Shopify Admin > Discounts > Create Discount
Step 2: Choose Free Shipping as the discount type
Step 3: Enter a discount code of your choosing
Step 4: Configure Minimum purchase requirements, Customer eligibility, and Maximum discount used to your requirement.
Step 5: After making the changes click on the green save button to save your changes and create the discount code
–> Learn more about Configuring Discounts on Shopify, Discount Badge on Widget and Stack Multiple Discounts.
We are a Shopify Native Subscription platform, and as such, any discount app which works using Shopify Native Discount Codes should work with Loop. Just to be sure - ask the app’s developers to confirm if the discount app would work for subscription purchases also. If the discounts created by the app is compatible with Subscriptions, then it should work with Loop as well.
Here are a few articles that you may find helpful, and we suggest you go through the same
Subscription Models on Loop
Set discounts using Loop flows
If you have any queries or doubts about any of these steps. Please reach out to
Loop Subscriptions Team 🙂
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Discount hierarchy
Different types of discounts
Discounts on Loop
Standard Discounts
Tiered Discounts
Free Shipping Discount
Unique Subscription Journey Discounts
Discounts on Shopify
Amount off Products
Amount off Orders
Free Shipping
Compatibility with other Discount Apps
What are Discounts
Any reduction from the usual cost of a product can be called a discount. Let’s illustrate this with an example where Product A costs 100$ and is offered at a 10% discount. This directly translates to the final price which would come out to be 90$.
Product A - 100$ Discount - 10%
Total Price = 100$ - 10% of 100$ => 90$
There are several different ways of offering discounts on Shopify and Loop. This article will shine a light on all the different ways of configuring discounts in Shopify as well as on Loop
Discount hierarchy
There is a certain hierarchy to discounts and how it applies to the product base price set on Shopify. You can consider the discounts configured in Loop as the base price of the product when purchased as a subscription. Any discount configured in Shopify that applies for Subscriptions will stack on top of the existing discount applied on the selling plan.

Different types of discounts
Based on the outcome you require there are different types of discounts that are available at your disposal. This table lists all the types and also its compatibility with Subscriptions as a whole.
Note: Automatic Discounts in Shopify do not apply for Subscriptions and hence are incompatible. Only discount codes are applicable for subscription purchases
Discounts on Loop
There are different types of discounts that can be configured on Loop. This guide will help you understand the different types of discounts and how you can set up the same on Loop. Here are the different discount options available on Loop
Standard Discounts
Tiered Discounts
Free Shipping Discount
Unique Subscription Journey Discounts
Standard Discounts
There are different types of discounts that can be applied to a Standard Discount. A standard discount is a single discount that is applied on top of the products which are mapped to the selling plan
You can configure this discount by going to Loop App > Selling Plans.
Step 1: Choose the selling plan that you’d like to configure a discount for
Step 2: Under the Set order Schedule section you can find the discount type setting. Select the discount type that you want to apply to the selling plan.

Step 3: After setting the discount type and entering the required value. Please save the changes by clicking the green Save button on the top right.
Tiered Discounts
Tiered discounts are when the discount changes after a set amount of orders
Step 1: Ensure that you have configured the normal discount type as mentioned in the above step
Step 2: Tick the checkbox titled “Change discount after specific number of payments?”

Step 3: Select from the dropdown after how many payments should the discount be changed.
Step 4: Choose the discount type that you’d like to apply for the tiered discount
Note: The Normal discount and the Tiered discount can be configured to have different discount types applied
Step 5: Enter the discount value that you’d like to apply here.
Step 6: Save your changes on this page and preview the flow on your store
Free Shipping Discount
Many customers prefer going for subscriptions because brands offer Free Shipping as an incentive to drive subscription adoption. You can configure Subscription specific shipping profiles to offer Free Shipping for certain selling plans. Here’s how you can do the same
Step 1: Head over to Loop App > Settings > Subscription specific shipping rates

Step 2: Create a Shipping Profile by clicking Create Shipping Profile

Step 3: Name your profile as “Free Shipping” & choose the selling plans that you want to map to this Shipping Profile.

Step 4: Add zones where you would be shipping your subscription products and set the Rate to 0 to enable Free Shipping for those zones.

Note that this discount once configured is automatically applied to products which are eligable and are mapped to the selling plans which are mapped to the Shipping Policy configured on Loop’s subscription specific shipping policy
Unique Subscription Journey Discounts
This feature utilizes a feature called Loop Flows to enable unique subscription journeys. Using this feature you can set up your subscription to offer multiple tiered discounts - for example 10% after 3 orders, 20% after 6 orders and so on.
Note: Loop flows is a beta feature, hence please reach out to to enable this feature on your store.
This section will explain how you can set this up using Loop flows
Step 1: Reach out to the Loop team to have the feature enabled for your Store
Step 2: Once enabled, Create a flow by clicking on the Create Flow button

Step 3: In the Trigger Event dropdown choose Order processed
Step 4: Click on Add Filter. Here you have two options based on your requirement
Note: Currently only the second method is supported. The first method will be available in a future update
Step 5: After adding the filter, click on Add Action. Click on Add Product as Subscription. You can choose the discount logic for the product here
Step 6: Click on Add Action again and choose Remove a Subscription Product. This will remove the filtered product which was selected using the second method
Note: To have multiple tiers of discount based on order count, repeat Steps 2-6 with each step varying the order count and the discount % associated with the product
Discounts on Shopify
There are different types of discounts that can be configured on Shopify. These discounts stack up on top of the discounts which are offered by Loop. The only disadvantage of using this method is that the users have to manually enter the discount code during checkout or from the Loop Customer portal. Shopify provides us with these discount options which are compatible with Subscriptions
Amount off Products
Amount off Orders
Free Shipping
–> Learn more about Shopify Discounts
Note: Automatic Discounts are not auto applied on Subsctriptions and this is a limitation from Shopify’s end
Amount off Products
This setting applies a discount on the Line item ie. Product. This is product specific and can be limited to specific products. This section explains how you can configure this discount type from Shopify’s discount section
Step 1: Head to Shopify Admin > Discounts > Create Discount
Step 2: Choose the Amount off products as the discount type
Step 3: Choose Method as Discount Code and enter a code of your choosing
Step 4: Select the required value type and fill in the checkbox.
Step 5: Ensure that the Subscription option or Both is checked. Else the discount will not be applied to subscription purchases
Step 6: Under the Applies to section, you can choose which products this specific code is applicable to
Step 7: Configure Minimum purchase requirements, Customer eligibility and Maximum discount use to your requirement.
Step 8: After making the changes click on the green save button to save your changes and create the discount code
Amount off Orders
The difference between this option and the previous option is - when configured this way the discount is applied to the whole order instead of the products and hence affects all line items in the order.
The steps for configuring this are the same as that of Amount off Products but with slight modifications
Step 1: Head to Shopify Admin > Discounts > Create Discount
Step 2: Choose Amount off orders as the discount type
Step 3: Choose Method as Discount Code and enter a code of your choosing
Step 4: Select the required value type and fill in the checkbox.
Step 5: Ensure that the Subscription option or Both is checked. Else the discount will not be applied to subscription purchases
Step 6: Configure Minimum purchase requirements, Customer eligibility and Maximum discount use to your requirement.
Step 7: After making the changes click on the green save button to save your changes and create the discount code
Free Shipping
Shopify allows you to configure a Free Shipping Discount which does exactly what it says. You can configure this discount to affect either one-time purchases (or) subscriptions or both. But note that this is a discount code that your users have to enter manually while checking out on your store or from Loop’s customer portal.
The steps to configure this setting largely remain the same
Step 1: Head to Shopify Admin > Discounts > Create Discount
Step 2: Choose Free Shipping as the discount type
Step 3: Enter a discount code of your choosing
Step 4: Configure Minimum purchase requirements, Customer eligibility, and Maximum discount used to your requirement.
Step 5: After making the changes click on the green save button to save your changes and create the discount code
–> Learn more about Configuring Discounts on Shopify, Discount Badge on Widget and Stack Multiple Discounts.
We are a Shopify Native Subscription platform, and as such, any discount app which works using Shopify Native Discount Codes should work with Loop. Just to be sure - ask the app’s developers to confirm if the discount app would work for subscription purchases also. If the discounts created by the app is compatible with Subscriptions, then it should work with Loop as well.
Here are a few articles that you may find helpful, and we suggest you go through the same
Subscription Models on Loop
Set discounts using Loop flows
If you have any queries or doubts about any of these steps. Please reach out to
Loop Subscriptions Team 🙂
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Updated on: 07/08/2024
Thank you!