Articles on: Settings & Customizations

Account Log settings

Managing a digital platform involves keeping track of various user actions to ensure security, accountability, and smooth operations. This is where Account Logs come into play. The Account Logs feature in Loop allows you to track and review user activities within your account. Each log includes detailed information such as timestamps, usernames, actions performed, and brief descriptions.

Content of the article

Where to find account logs
Access account logs
Types of Activities
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Where to find account logs

Go to settings. Navigate down to Account log under Admin section.

Access account logs

Account logs enables you to track a record of user activities within Loop, including timestamps, usernames, actions performed, and brief descriptions.
You can review activities for a specific date range and search for users by email address and specific activities.
Logs can also be exported with the current set of filters using “Export” button.

Types of Activities

Following are the activities tracked in Account Logs.

API Token Actions:
API token created
API token deleted
API token updated
Auto Actions:
Auto translation started
Auto update order notes settings updated
Auto update product price settings updated
Auto update shipping price settings updated
Benefit Page Actions:
Benefit page created
Benefit page deleted
Benefit page disabled
Benefit page enabled
Benefit page updated
Bulk Action Actions:
Bulk action cancelled
Bulk action created
Bulk action initiated
Bulk update charge offset initiated
Bulk update delivery/pickup date fields initiated
Bulk update global billing hour initiated
Bulk update price action initiated
Bulk update shipping action initiated
Bundle Actions:
Bundle created
Bundle custom JS updated
Bundle deleted
Bundle preferences updated
Bundle snippets installed
Bundle style updated
Bundle translation updated
Bundle updated
Campaign Quick Action:
Campaign quick action created
Cancellation Flow Actions:
Cancellation flow disabled
Cancellation flow enabled
Cancellation offer created
Cancellation offer deleted
Cancellation reason updated
Cancellation settings updated
Custom Widget Actions:
Custom widget activated
Custom widget deactivated
Custom widget updated
Customer Portal Actions:
Customer portal accessibility updated
Customer portal preferences updated
Customer portal texts updated
Customer portal theme created
Customer portal theme deleted
Customer portal theme published
Customer portal theme updated
Preference Actions:
Delivery method preference updated
Email preferences updated (multiple instances)
Event Quick Action Actions:
Event quick action created
Event quick action deleted
Event quick action updated
Flow Actions:
Flow created
Flow deleted
Flow updated
General Settings Actions:
General settings updated
Global billing hour updated
Integration Actions:
Integration connected
Integration disconnected
Inventory Settings Actions:
Inventory settings updated
Logged in
Multilingual texts updated
Preference Actions:
Notifications preference updated
Order schedule preferences updated (multiple instances)
Payment gateway updated
Prepaid subscription shipping settings updated
Selling Plan Actions:
Selling plan created
Selling plan deleted
Selling plan label added on cart
Selling plan product mapping updated
Selling plan updated
Subscription Actions:
Subscription created
Subscription shipping created
Subscription shipping deleted
Subscription shipping updated
Subscription tags updated
Subscription updated
Subscriptions link added on Customer account page
Swap Actions:
Swap custom collections updated
Swap custom products updated
Swap excluded products updated
Swap settings updated
Upsell Actions:
Upsell excluded bundles updated
Upsell excluded collections updated
Upsell excluded products updated
Upsell profile created
Upsell profile deleted
Upsell profile updated
Upsell recommended bundles updated
Upsell recommended collections updated
Upsell recommended products updated
Upsell settings updated
User Actions:
User deleted
User permission updated
User role updated
Widget Actions:
Widget added on product page
Widget created
Widget deleted
Widget published
Widget settings updated
Widget snippets installed
Widget unpublished
Widget updated

Need help?

There is no need to worry. We are here to assist you. Please contact us at or feel free to reach out to us through the chat by clicking on the support beacon located at the bottom right corner.


Loop Subscription Team 🙂

Updated on: 15/09/2024

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