Articles on: Integrations


GemPages is an intuitive drag-and-drop page builder you can use to create visually stunning, high-converting, and SEO-friendly pages of all types and purposes. We are compatible with any Shopify theme and come with an extensive library of elements, templates, integrations, and sales boosters.

In this article, you'll learn how to integrate GemPages with Loop Subscriptions. Once you've integrated with GemPages, the widget will be visible on your Product page


Product pages have to be set up in GemPages
Install the loop snippets
The product has to be mapped to a Selling Plan

Setting up Loop widget on Product pages

Open GemPages from your Shopify Apps
Go to your Product Page
Select the Product on which you want to display the Loop Widget
In the elements section, Search for "Liquid" and drag and drop it where you want the Widget to be placed

Right-click on the placed box and click on "Edit Code"

In the window that opens up, insert this code and click on Save

{% render 'loop-subscriptions' type: 'product-widget', product: product %}

Reload the product page to preview the changes. The Loop Widget should now be active.

Still Need help?

There is no need to worry. We are here to assist you. Please contact us at or feel free to reach out to us through the chat by clicking on the support beacon located at the bottom right corner.


Loop Subscription Team 🙂

Updated on: 04/07/2024

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