Articles on: Integrations

Zipify landing page builder

Zipify Pages is a Shopify app for easily building high-converting e-commerce pages. It features a no-code, drag-and-drop editor and templates designed for maximum conversions. Ideal for optimizing landing pages, product pages, and sales funnels directly within Shopify.

Key Features:

- Drag-and-Drop Editor: Easily design and customize pages with a real-time visual interface.
- Proven Templates: Access templates optimized for e-commerce conversions.
- Split Testing: Experiment with page elements to optimize for the best performance.
- Mobile Optimization: Ensure a seamless shopping experience on mobile devices.

This article will walk you through the steps required in order to integrate Zipify With Loop subscriptions. Once you've integrated with Zipify pages, the Loop widget will be visible on your Product pages.

Contents of the article

Setting up Loop Widget on Product Pages
Need Help?


- You must have an active Zipify account.
- Loop widget must be installed on the theme.
- The product should be mapped to a Selling Plan.

Setting up Loop Widget on Product Pages

Open Zipify pages from your shopify store.

On Zipify pages, click on Create new page and select product page.

Create new page

Select the product which you want to map to this product page and select the template which you want to assign to this product page.
|| Make sure the product you select is mapped to the selling plan.

Product selection

Select the add to cart button. Click on the plus sign on the top of it and add HTML element.

Plus button

Html element

Insert the following liquid code and click on Save:

{% render 'loop-subscriptions' type: 'product-widget', product: product %}

HTML block

Head over to your Shopify admin page and click on online store.

On the published theme, click on the edit code. Inside the file theme.zipifypages.liquid add the JS and CSS tags as shown below and click on save.

<script type="text/javascript" id="loop-subscription-script" src="{{ 'loop-widget.js' | asset_url }}"></script>

<style class="loop-style"> {% render 'loop-widget.css' %} </style>

Shopify code

Headover back to the Zipify product page. Click on publish and enter the product name. Click on live preview to preview the changes. The Loop Widget should now be active.


Loop Widget


Currently Loop widget is not supported on Zipify landing and home pages.

Need Help?

No need to fret; we’re here to jump in and help you out. Reach out to us at or feel free to ping us on chat by clicking the support beacon on the bottom right.


Loop Subscription Team 🙂

Updated on: 06/08/2024

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